Friday, July 23, 2010

Ladies and Gentleman.

Class was great. I learned many neat things about lighting, did some location shooting, made some props, got over my fear of shooting people (film, not bullets), and learned a good deal more about my digital camera and Photoshop. I'm not ready to title these yet, so use your imagination. The class was a lovely break from my desk, and made me super excited about class this fall. I love school!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Long time, no see.

Currently in Jo Whaley's class, The Theater in Photography, grappling with strobe lights, hot lights, more digital than I've done before, Photoshop, portraiture, and the list goes on. So far it has been challenging (in a good way). I've absorbed a lot of very useful information that I just need to process now. More to come later...